FAMILY! How are you guys? Wasn`t this week just awesome? BUT, first I need to tell you something before I forget for the third week in a row. I kinda need new contacts...cause I only have two left. bahaha but its okay if you can`t get them in time, I still got my glasses to cover me. Wow, sounds like you guys had a sweet week! Well, I`m kind of embarrassed to admit this...but while reading your email I realized that Selena and Alisha have the same last name ahahahah...uh, I`m sure I`ve noticed it before though. but...oh well! My mind is all over the place.
RYAN`S GOING TO FUKUOKA!!! Thats so awesome! I hope he`s ready to sweat his brains out during the summer. Actually, I don`t really know too much about the Fukuoka dendobu. I only know like...one sister missionary down there who was in my doki. But, I bet most of the areas are going to be pretty inaka areas yeah? I mean, are there any big cities down in Fukuoka and round about? I`m not too sure...but hey, at least they get a temple in their mission! I`m super J about that! Plus, I can see Ryan being an awesome inaka dendo machine cause he`s a stud. I`ll definitely write him fosho!
AH! Selena might get an internship down in Springville? YYEEEHAAAWWW. I`m excited for her! I`ll definitely pray for her so she`ll get that internship. Thats so awesome, she`s wanting to work in the field huh? Selena shall be the next Bob the Builder.
Yeah! So the mission is pretty much the greatest thing ever! Takamatsu is the land of miracles and life indeed is good. I love our branch president, he probably loves fishing almost as much as he loves his family. haha I joke, I joke. But no, we didn`t eat that carp, fool. Those things are constantly just wading through garbage and mud! And as for the fish in the ocean, we just let them go. We were planning to take them home...but we were too lazy to bring them back on the ferry plus we were fasting anyways.
So General Conference was just AMAZING wasn`t it? You know what, amazing doesn`t justify it. It was...fantabulorious. Yes, a word that doesn`t even exist...yet. I mean, all of the talks were inspired for sure! Elder Holland was so right, every person in the world heard something they needed to hear in one of the speakers talks. I know I did! Elder Spohr and I am sure the one of the main message the brethren wanted to get passed was "all the single ladies (and men), all the single ladies (and men), get married...NOW" Haha eternal families are so good, so good. But, I don`t need to think about that for another year and a half. Anyways, yeah all the talks were awesome. I couldn`t really concentrate on the first session of the Sunday one because I was too busy explaining things to one of our investigators, but I was able to catch a bit on (I think) Elder Bednar`s talk about the testimony tatoe about the light switch and the sun rising. I feel like this is totally applicable to our investigators! Some people are more than prepared for the gospel but just need something or someone to hit the switch to the light or their testimony. Others, probably more common, need time for their testimony to grow. Just like the sun rising, understanding and acceptance of the gospel will come with time. It may be a slower proccess than a light switch, but think how glorious the sun is once it comes up? This principle is MADE FOR DENDO!!! haha its something thats taken me a long time to understand...and I still don`t understand it fully. But I am starting to understand that its all about patience when it comes to dendo.
Anyways, I could probably talk about dendo or GC for a while...but I`m too lazy. Mom, what are you talking about, of course we had a baptism. I thought I told you that like, 4 time already! haha Plus, we just barely had our second baptism during this last Sunday too. Nishimori shimai! Ahaha I`m so happy she got baptized! But her getting baptized is definitely thanks to the efforts of the branch. We couldn`t have done it without the sisters help because Nishimori has danseikyofusho...fear of men or whatever that is called in English. Long story short: she was scared out of her mind about the missionaries and baptism but all her concerns went away when she FINALLY prayed. Yeah, it was a miracle. And we were able to do it between the sessions too! The Lord blesses us so much!
We`re really hoping we`ll have another baptism go through this upcoming sunday. Yamashita Shimai, the blind lady on the island, is more than ready to be baptized. The only probably is that its really hard for her to go to church. For many reasons like...she lives on an island an hour away, its hard to work with the rest home she`s living in to let her go to church, and...well she`s blind. But she is definitely prepared. I mean, she reads the brail Book of Mormon everyday and has the bible pretty much memorized! But, hopefully things will work out with her coming to church and getting baptized. PLEASE pray for her!
DASHLFJKASDKLGd okay I`m going to go now. We`re probably going to re watch a few of the sessions of general conference or go shopping now. Hopefully you guys are genki! I want you guys to know that I love ya! Thanks for everything! Peace.
Mucho love,
Elder Saito
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