Hey herro hi!
HOW ARE YOU FAMILY!? Its good to hear back from you guys. I can`t believe that this is going to be the last time I write you guys from this computer. The last week of the transfer was a way good one. It went by quickly but thats because we were working hard! We`ve finally gotten out of the Oshogatsu stage and things are kickin back into place. BUT, first off, how are you guys? Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! I hope you had an awesome birthday! It looks like the birthday party/sushi tabehodai went grood. Thanks for the pictures you guys sent me! Rupert looks like a demon like usual.
Ryan is leaving in like a week! Does he have everything ready for his mission? I can`t believe it, my boy`s growing up right infront of my eyes. Soon he will join me on this island...soon. Thats so exciting, he`s going to love it over here so much! So, Martin Luther King`s holiday was pretty relaxed I assume. It was probably freezing in Provo wasn`t it? Osaka was pretty chilly this past week. It even started to snow for a little bit!
Lets see, this week was actually pretty eventful. The Senri elders in our zone set up this amazing concert at the church on Saturday. It was sooooo good. There was a good turn out too; about 50ish people showed up. Out of the 50, about 7 were non-members. It was a great dendoing experience for the members. I swear the Senri/Okamachi memebers were on fire! They helped out with the concert so much and fellowshipped the non-members like crazy. The concert was family themed and a lot of our memebers as well as us participated in the concert. All the missionaries in our zone bore akashis, sang Families Can Be Together Forever and then after the concert, we gave church tours and had a little shokujikai. It was such a great atmosphere, you could almost feel this cloud of love that filled the air...or it could`ve been the heaters because it was burning hot in there. Either one works because the people loved it. A lot of the non memebers after said they liked how we emphasize on love and the importance of families. One of the non members even came to chruch the next day! Twas a good experience for sure.
Other then that...dendo has been normal. Yesterday, we found an awesome new investigator streeting. He`s this huge Japanese (way taller and thicker then me)guy who had an eyebrow and tounge piercing as well as fat dreads. I started contacting him by asking if he listened to reggae. Turns out he loves metal/hardcore music and in his free time he makes Omens (Japanese demon masks) We had a good conversation about American metal/harcore music and then jumped into the Gospel. We were able to set up another appointment with him and even commit him to baptism. (yes, we`re so hardcore that we commit people to baptism on the streets) He said he would like to so we`ll see what happens~ I`m super sad that I`ll be transfering out before we get to teach him again though...but oh well.
Speaking of transferring...this is going to be my first real transfer! I wonder where I`m going to go. My roommates are telling me Nishiwaki or somewhere way deep in the inaka. I hope I get sent to the inaka! The inaka is were missionaries turn into real men. Its also the area of miricales. My companion told me that he only found 2 people in one transfer but still saw a bunch of miricales. Well, anywhere I go at this point I`ll be happy. I`m determined to work as hard as I can. I have some goals that I`m going to have to accomplish in my next area. First, I`m going to love everyone. Literally, everyone. Second, I`m going to assume leadership postion so I need to become more responsible. Third, I`m going to see at least one baptism this next transfer. How am I going to accompish these goals? Easy. Work as hard as I possibly can, then trust that with the Lord, anything is possible.
Anywyas. I wish I could tell you were I`m going to be transferring this next week...but I can`t. So we`ll just have to wait till next week. This week will probably be hecktic but I`m so excited! I gotta go now, but I just wanna let you guys know that I love ya! I hope you guys are doing great. Don`t worry about me, I`ll survive. Plus I`m loving the mission anyways, there`s no need to worry. OKBYE~
Mucho Amor,
Elder Saito
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