Hello dear family,
Well, another unbelievably quick week has gone by. Its incredible how quickly it all goes by! Granted, most of the week consisted of me going around for trainings and and General Conference but whatever, it`s the life! We first started it off by going to Kobe early Tuesday morning, then moved over to Fukuchiyama and then finished it all off in Nishiwaki. We were able to get back into our area Friday night and start working again. I swear, I feel like a business man just going around in my suit and training people but that`s the blessings of being such an old missionary. ahah No but it was really great, I really enjoyed working with the missionaries in my zone.
Zone Leader Council was a good one as well. With President Zinke`s new training plan I can see a lot of apparent changes in him and his vision. I think he`s really getting a hold of everything and the mission is on the verge of exploding. Missionary work is so interesting to me, its something that I`ve been thinking about lately since I`ve had a lot of opportunities to train younger missionaries. There are so many elements that are included to create a successful missionary. A simple testimony, being able to work with the Spirit, desire, mental stability, social skills, proselyting techniques, etc. Its so important to understand that each missionary has their own strengths and weaknesses within the spectrum of the work and how the responsibility of leader is to help them continue to build on those strengths and recognize their weaknesses so they can work through the Atonement of Christ to improve. A true Christlike leader will help other missionaries turn to Christ when they recognize their shortcomings or weaknesses not try to do it themselves. I`ve come to a realization that I`ve been too caught up with running micro-management for the missionaries in my zone. As in, if there`s a problem within the zone, I jump in and solve it on the spot. Which may not seem that big of a problem at first, but in the long run I`ve realized that it doesn`t help the missionaries. Its the exactly the concept of giving a man a fish vs teaching him how to fish. Of course the latter on is more effective in the long run. Oh, the joys of missionary work. Right when you feel like you know what you`re doing, you realize that you are completely lost. Thank goodness for the Atonement! There is still a lot I need to do for the missionaries in my zone so I need to do everything within my circle of influence while balancing the work here in Toyooka as well.
Anyways, this week was a good eye opener for me. I think General Conference has really helped me to see where I want to go and do with the rest of the time I have left to serve. Honestly, there has been a lot running through my head lately. I felt like I`ve been trying to keep a bunch of McDonalds colored playpin balls within my arms while running. (For anyone who has experienced that can sympathize how I felt.) Anyways, with many things running through my head...I watched conference. Honestly, I couldn`t focus 100% but there was a talk that really stood out to me. I actually can`t remember who gave the talk but he talked about the Prodigal`s son and how "he came to himself." That left a large impression on me. Its not that I`ve completely apostatized or anything...but I do feel like I came to a better realization that I am indeed a son of the all mighty Father in Heaven, and that He loves and cares about me. Everything that I`m going through and trying to balance right now are simple tests that were placed in front of me to help me grow. I need to be able to stand up to these trails that I`m faced with faithfully and boldly. If I keep on using the escape excuse of "Oh, I only have three months left" my mission will be over before I know it. I need to give all now. Right now. Mainly, because I know that this is a chapter in my life that I can`t re-write and I do not want to end my mission with regrets.
There are many things in missionary work, well life in general, that won`t go the way you want it to go. And that`s how its supposed to be. Elder Holland says it best, "salvation is not a cheap experience." If life ain`t hard, you probably ain`t doin` it right! We aren`t here to get caught in the current, take it easy and get thrown around lifelessly. We`re here to fight the current and get where we want.
Anyways, I`m gonna go now. There`s a lot that still needs to be done over here. Thanks for all the emails though! I love you guys lots and hope you`re all having an awesome week!
Mucho Amor,
Elder Saito
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